We’re very excited to announce the First Kipping Bar Muscle-up Program, which is our latest addition to our list of Programs that are available to all btwb users.

This is a 20 session program designed to get you your first kipping Bar Muscle-up! The kipping Bar Muscle-up requires a combination of upper body pulling strength, core strength, and transition technique. Over the 20 sessions you’ll be working on various skills and movements designed to improve each. Specific elements of the program include: 

– Pulling strength work
– Transition technique drills
– Active holds
– Shoulder stability training
– Core strength work
– Lat activation/strength work
– Kip swing development
– Kipping control drills

This program will begin with a test, and finish with a retest. Don’t worry, we know you’re interested in this program because you can’t perform a bar muscle-up yet, so why the initial test?

We want you to use that first test to take notes (literal and figurative) on things like:

– How the attempt felt
– How close you came to a full rep
– Your specific sticking points

We’ll use these for comparison during your retest. 

The pre-requisite for the program is to be able to do 7-10 Strict Pull-ups. This isn’t a one-and-done program either. Revisit it as many times as you need to accomplish your desired goal. The Bar Muscle-up is an advanced gymnastic movement and results will vary depending on your individual abilities. The important thing to keep in mind is the progress. As long as you are better off than when you started, you’re headed in the right direction.

Fitness is a journey. Enjoy the process.

If you don’t have any strict pull-ups yet, no worries! We have a program made specifically to help you get that too!

Our other programs available:

  • First Strict Pull-up™
  • First Kipping Pull-up™
  • First Push-up™
  • First Handstand Push-up™
  • First Toes-to-Bar™
  • First Strict Ring Dip™
  • Handstand Walk 5 ft™
  • Snatch 1RM™
  • Clean 1RM™
  • Jerk 1RM™
  • Deadlift Capacity™
  • Shoulder Press Capacity™
  • Back Squat Capacity™
  • Bench Press Capacity™

Programs can be customized to your specific training schedule. Choose when to start, how many days per week to do, and which days of that week the sessions appear on. You can find all btwb programs in the Programs section on your home screen.

As always, thanks for being part of the btwb crew. We take a lot of pride in getting to build tech for people like you and we’re working hard to support the community in every way we can.


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