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Fight Gone Bad, Posting Gone Good

The main site recently assigned Fight Gone Bad as a WOD. The beyond the whiteboard prescribed average for Fight Gone Bad is 255-269, with a high of 479 by Jake Lay. I hope Jake is competing in the CrossFit Games!! Most people usually keep track of how many reps they did per round and, of course, their total reps. The required posting is only total reps, but Jake and I decided to use the full functionality of and post everything.

I think this will really help both of us improve our Fight Gone Bad scores, because we can analyze everything. For example, I realized how and why I dramatically decreased my total reps as the rounds went on. It might be better if I paced myself a little better so I don’t burn out as fast. Jake, on the other hand, paced himself really well and put up a solid new PR with 294. He would have easily broke 300 if he had put up better reps for wall ball and sumo deadlift in his last round. I shouldn’t talk because he completely dominated me.

We pushed out our new design and, with it, a bunch of new features; Meals, Rankings(Site, Gym, Gender), New Benchmarks, Gym and User Privacy, and many more. We love all the positive feedback we have been getting, especially David Allen who summed it up with, “This site F$#%@# ROCKS!” We take all suggestions and comments seriously so feel free to email us at

The links to our Fight Gone Bad posts are below if you are interested.
Jake’s Fight Gone Bad
My(Moe’s) Fight Gone Bad (yes i know I’m below the site average..)

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